Minggu, 08 April 2018


Tell me, what's better than seeing the sun rising up to the surface from the east side, emit the brightest and beautiful shine?
Yes, I think you will agree with me. The sun is the most beautiful. Yes, I mean the process, exactly. Everyone is waiting for the sun either its sunrise or sunset. The Sun, the wind, and the light are the perfect combination that all humans are eagerly waiting for.
Start a new day, as a sign that the day has changed, awakening the sleeping man/woman, slowly emerging from behind the clouds,  
I do not know, is there any other word that can describe the sun?
maybe if any, I'm sure the word is perfect.

Sun is one of the objects of the solar system that has unconsciously given the spirit.

Puncak Sikunir, Dieng, Jawa Tengah

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