Minggu, 08 April 2018


Tell me, what's better than seeing the sun rising up to the surface from the east side, emit the brightest and beautiful shine?
Yes, I think you will agree with me. The sun is the most beautiful. Yes, I mean the process, exactly. Everyone is waiting for the sun either its sunrise or sunset. The Sun, the wind, and the light are the perfect combination that all humans are eagerly waiting for.
Start a new day, as a sign that the day has changed, awakening the sleeping man/woman, slowly emerging from behind the clouds,  
I do not know, is there any other word that can describe the sun?
maybe if any, I'm sure the word is perfect.

Sun is one of the objects of the solar system that has unconsciously given the spirit.

Puncak Sikunir, Dieng, Jawa Tengah

Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Come Back!

Wohooo! it's been a long time since I never post anything in this blog, yes i still remembered 2012 is the last time for me to write in this blog and kind a missing this moment (writing) a story. I think it is a good day to get a new start to write and tell you some stories. Hope you enjoy it! xx

Minggu, 08 Desember 2013


Gigi ikut bergetar
Tapi terselimuti oleh kebahagiaan
Malam memang indah
Aku suka malam
Saat tidak lagi bisa melihat dengan jelas
tapi suara dan bisikan terdengar jelas
saat hati dari hati mulai berbicara

Rabu, 31 Juli 2013


he has worked all day long
to be the earliest of the earliest.
he is the marker
markers, when a job will begin
markers, when a job will be terminated
the beginning of two human conversations
the end of a long conversation

yellow becomes orange

orange becomes red
red becomes purple
purple becomes black

long process, yet beautiful to enjoy 

his presence is always awaited by everyone

patient will give you wonderful results


Time flies so fast
People come and go
But life simply about seeing who cares enough to stay

life goes on...

Minggu, 14 Juli 2013


emang lah ya, yang lebih selalu menang. bukan nyari pembelaan, gak penting. cuman gimana cara yakininnya aja. selalu dianggap salah, jarang juga dibela. payah.

Refleksi Diri

Kita ini manusia. Terkadang, tidak, maksudnya sering kali meminta lebih,  menginginkan dan mengharapkan sesuatu yang lebih dan selalu lebih, selalu merasa kurang. Tak pernah merasa cukup. Tak (pernah) bersyukur pula. Terlalu mementingkan diri sendiri, egois memang. Sering meminta lebih tak berarti yang sebelumnya dikabulkan, mungkin terkadang iya. Mengabulkan panjatan do'a yang tulus dan dari hati, tak kenal lelah dan selalu berjuang. Mengharapkan belas kasihan hanya sedikit dan tak banyak.